Saturday, February 28, 2009

2/28/09 BASD Technology Conference

Dr. Morgan opens:
-today allows us for the opportunity to network.
My thoughts:....the original way...human interaction as opposed to digital social networking

Sue Kinney welcome:
-Steve & IT Dept. are so patient...referring to virus infection on network...thank you!

Hall Davidson - keynote speaker
"Thinking Bigger While the World Gets Smaller"
-multitasking at your desktop: gmail, twitter, chat, etc
-bringing the internet into you classroom

-phone a friend in exams: see if you can find this type of thing...sharing what you know and who you know

-getting information is more than just google: where did you find it AND HOW did you find it?

-microsoft...linked social networking through gaming (XBox)...connected people, then made avatars and even more people linked in

-gizmoz site (free to use your voice w/ preset avatars)

-Slide on "Global or National Social Networks in Schools"
My thoughts: i hope the IT dept. is hearing this

-use cell phones, etc. to dl programs that you need w/i education and use them in the classroom
MT: again how to integrate what kids have with their education

-start locally: check in on your class as you are absent or on a break somewhere
MT: use video streaming...can we hook up our dig. camera?....prob. need webcams.

-using Jing to capture video of yourself and transplant it into Google Earth, etc.
have your students record video and tag it to a specific place
MT: very cool use of Jing, excited I've used it before many times and (check them out)

-again Hall references Green Screening for writing
MT: good old Jason Ohler

-uses videos and has students elaborate to teach others: "Reading Angels", etc.

MT: macs and their uses in schools are now apparent....Photo Booth (with a mac), choose your backdrop, etc.
-with a webcam and you can do this using Adobe Premiere for the PC (check out)

-checkout USTream so that we can make our own tv channel

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